Monday, May 24, 2010

Freebie kit...Mad About May

Thanks for the great comments about the "blankie" word art last week! We all have some form of security blanket in our lives that bring comfort, whether it's chocolate, a favorite pillow, a treasured photo...or a blanket. :)

Here's my contribution to the color challenge this month at DSO. KimB always has very striking color palletes, which keeps it interesting. :)

Hope your Monday is truly blessed,

download 1
download 2

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Whose idea...freebie

Just wanted to share with you the beautiful, sweet layout Dinphy prepared, using a word art I'd done awhile back. I love the rapt attention her little boy has in studying things in this display. Thanks so much for sharing, Dinphy!

I thought today's word art is appropriate for lots of occasions, for children and grownups alike. A wry question when things aren't going well...a sarcastic poke to give you a giggle...a wondrous question to know who to thank for a great time. I'd be quite interested to see how you use this!

Blessings on your day,

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday freebie

Sorry I've been meds took some adjusting to and doing anything on the computer was torture.

Today's freebie has two versions, depending on which applies to you:

Enjoy your day...this is the day the Lord hath made!
