Sunday, April 27, 2008


The past several weekends, we've had guests in our home as my oldest niece and her husband check out options for their future (new job, new house, etc.). Their oldest son -- age 6 -- has been particularly vocal about what a good time he has had at our house. The middle son -- age 5 -- always wants to stay longer, which, of course, is music to my ears. But the older one has been saying the line used in today's second word art.

It makes me melt. :) So, I couldn't resist turning it into a word art.

Hope you enjoy it!!



Made by Mandy said...

It's great when my nephew says he wants to stay at our house longer as I know he has enjoyed himself, but boy are WE glad when he goes home. He tires us out so much.......

Dana said...

So cute - thank you