Wednesday, May 14, 2008

For Coffee Lovers

Thanks for indulging my soapbox rambling yesterday. Patty, I appreciate your comments very much -- it made me feel great that someone actually read my posting, and that I wasn't alone in these concerns!

For those who expressed concern about the birds and their eggs, yes, they are completely safe from the dogs. We wouldn't have allowed them to finish their nest if there was any chance they'd be harmed. PROMISE!

I'm working without my lights on today, so that I can enjoy the stormy weather. It's like a movie sometimes, seeing all the lightning. Yesterday -- although it was very humid outdoors -- from the inside looking out, it almost looked like it was a dreary winter day. Didn't make me feel the humidity less, though!!

Over the next few days I'm in search of a more advanced digital camera. I think my SLR has bitten the dust, and I have a bridal portrait shoot next week, and a wedding photo shoot next month, so I guess I'm going to need to get a new one. I HATE when unexpected expenses come along because it's never at a good time financially. That seems to be the norm, though ... and just the way life goes for us lesser mortals. :)

So, what's on your mind today?

Blessings on your day,


1 comment:

Stefanie said...

I love this one, but think we need baby puke coloured shirts, grubby dog paw coloured shirts, red wine coloured shirts etc etc.