Friday, October 31, 2008

Wonder What He's Up To Next

Today's word art uses two of the colors in the November DSO Color Challenge -- but I fully believe it applies year-round!!!
My public apologies to KimB for mistakenly mentioning that her birthday was yesterday. It's November 4th!!!
Have a great weekend -- I'll do better next week to catch up on the gifts and awards.
Until later,

Thursday, October 30, 2008

She's Poetry in Motion

Poetry is like art ... it's in the eye of the beholder ... and the listener. Love has a way of making everything better. Who knew that someone as far back as PLATO could articulate this so well that we fully "get it" here and now, centuries later?!!

Speaking of poetry, Kim Broedelet's artistry is poetry in motion ... and she's a hoot-and-a-half to be around!! Today's word art is dedicated to her, because she touches SOOOOO many of us with her magic.

And today is her birthday! If you haven't done so already, please pop by and tell her hello and wish her well. She's got a special sale going on that is absolutely irresistible. Since I'm one of her stalkers, I've tapped into all her goodies many time on her blog and through her store at DSO.

I had the privilege of getting a sneak peek at her new stuff. It's GORGEOUS, and has such an elegant, timeless quality. I did a quick layout as soon as I got it, and you can see beautiful examples on Kim's blog from her CT. To be perfectly honest? I could do dozens and dozens of layouts with her latest grab bag and goodies -- it's that awesome.

These four ladies are some of my favorite people in the world: 3 are my nieces by birth, and 1 by marriage. They are extraordinary women and I love them dearly.

Hope your day is blissfully blessed,


Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Greetings, everyone!

Lynette Jacobs sent this sweet, lovely layout, in which she used some word art I made some time ago ( “Love me when I least deserve it, because that is when I need it most.”). Thank you so much, Lynette!.

I'd like to think that today's word art canNOT be said about me!! I tend to be a peacemaker, and bottle my stress inside.

For those of you who have sent me your layouts in response to my challenge, I promise I will be sending out the gift pack of word art that I promised. I've been inundated with unexpected things this week, but hope to send you something in the next couple of days.

In the meantime, please take care of yourselves,

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sounds familiar?

We tried giving away magic tricks one year, but CANDY is still the favorite treat. And lots of it!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Congratulations, Kim ... and the Umbrella Girl

What a bright piece of art to start a new week! Jaema sent me this layout, in which she used my Warhol's October kit, with this added note: "my son loves Warhol AND the Morton Salt girl" so she combined both in this layout of her son. This is a really fun layout, Jaema -- thanks so much for sharing it with us and for the inspiration! [I've ALWAYS loved iconic advertising art, like the Morton Salt Umbrella Girl, so it's a treat to see it here.]


The fabulous Kim Broedelet passed the 1 million mark in her blog hits counter over the weekend!! She is a very talented, generous designer and a special person as well. It's yet another kudo for the digiscrapworld that gives us the ability to make new friends around the world, and I treasure such a gift as KimB. I sent her a big congrats over the weekend, but it bears repeating with another big WOOOHOOOOOOO today! If you haven't already dropped by her blog today, rush right over because she's sharing more of her artistry with all of us.

Thanks to those of you who've already been sending layouts using Friday's word art. With your permission, I will be posting those beginning tomorrow. I'm sooooooo grateful to you for participating. It's people like Jaema (above) and all the rest whose layouts I'll be posting this week who make this such a gratifying thing to do.

Special blessings on your Monday,

Friday, October 24, 2008

How many times have you said this?

I thought it would be greatly interesting to see how you scrapped this. The first 25 of you who send layouts using this word art will get a special 5-pack word art that won't be offered on my blog otherwise.

My first challenge, I guess!

Blessings on your day,

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Heart Sings

I want to share something that a reader named Ruby wrote yesterday, in response to the word art. I think she spoke delightfully about what scrapbooking means to her, and I share her sentiments:

What a blessing scrapbooking has been to those of us who do it; to those who read it, and to generations to come. I look at old albums with no names, no details, and there is just blankness; I look at an album lovingly filled with emotions, memories and my heart sings.

My husband has told me many times how much he loves the scrapbooks I do for our vacations. I include a lot of journaling and bits of photos of even the tiniest things that make each page a collage and a portrait of those five minutes ... that day ... that week of our journey. He "gets it" -- for which I'm profoundly grateful. He understands that reading the scrapbook is like taking the journey all over again, with all its sights, sounds, smells, adventures, rain, signs, people, history, authenticity and HEART. Memories. My heart sings, too, Ruby.

On another note (pun intended), I love the exuberance with which most children approach life. One of my little great-nephews often dances to a tune that only he can hear, but we smile and laugh and adore him every time. May they never outgrow it!!!

Blessings on your day,


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Scrappers Unite!

I thought it was time to do another WA about why we do scrapbooks. Celebrate the joy!!!

Blessings on your day,

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wide Open Spaces

This quote today makes me think of wide, open spaces ... where you can see God's splendor and grandeur as far as your eye ... and heart ... can see. And it reminds me of how good life can be if we just put our hearts into it.

Blessings on your day,

Monday, October 20, 2008

Time Machine

Happy Monday, everyone. The weekend was WAY too short for my liking -- as always. If only someone would pay me to stay home to do whatever I wished. :)

A special thanks to those of you who left comments about the Warhol's October kit. Glad you didn't think it was too weird an idea!!! I GREATLY APPRECIATE hearing from you.

Sonel also brightened my weekend with the two wallpaper layouts she prepared using word art I'd given everyone. These are two of her handsome sons. Nice use of colors with the photos! Please check out her site for the credits.

Today's blog entry is short and sweet. Hope your day goes splendidly!!


Friday, October 17, 2008

Andy Warhol-ish

This is my contribution to KimB's DSO October Color Challenge -- and I chose to sorta do it in an Andy Warhol style of pop art. I liked it in theory, but it didn't turn out exactly as I wanted. Oh, well ... hope you can use something in it --there are two word art pieces in the kit as well.

Have a good weekend,

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Loves us anyway ... Love yourself anyway

For KimB, whose most treasured friendships start at home. For anyone participating in the DSO October Color Challenge, this first word art posted today uses two colors from the palette KimB chose.

This next one, I did for myself. I've battled with low self-esteem issues my entire life -- and I needed this kick-in-the-pants today.

I've recently received a couple more awards. Please know (to those who nominated me) that I'm not ignoring your gift. Just very distracted with other things at the moment. And my computer time is still limited because my back is still giving me fits!

Blessings on your day!


DOWNLOAD Loves Anyway

DOWNLOAD Golden Opportunity

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

There's gotta be a story ...

... about this piece from Sonel, in which she used a recent word art I made for this blog. Too funny, but sweet.

I KNOW there's a story behind this layout, shared by Denise R. It's a true romance ... with LOTS of traveling. :) Thanks so much, Denise. GREAT job!

Sonel also sent this brightly cheerful layout. I just love to see older children interacting with babies. It's sooooo sweet. Thanks so much, Sonel!!

And, Lynette had the PERFECT photo for this quotation. That baby appears to be patiently waiting for grandmother to take her nap until the next round of diapers-bottles-playtime-bathtime-exercising the lungs time. Such a sweet layout. Thanks very much, Lynette for sharing this with us.

I have to apologize for today's word art, especially after seeing all the very nice ways you've used it in the past. Today's is a bit messy -- but it made me smile (and I could relate!!!), so you just have to suffer through it.

Because there's a registered brand name in this, I can't upload it to 4Shared. To get it, just right-click on the image and save it.

As always, I enjoy hearing from you and seeing your work. I hope to catch up this week and make up the days I missed last week, so maybe you will find more treats? :)

All the best,


Monday, October 13, 2008

Respect Uniqueness

Sorry for being MIA for the past week. I've been dealing with a slipped disc in my back and sitting at a computer is the LAST thing I needed to be doing.

I've discovered so many nice comments in my absence, for which I'm profoundly grateful ... and cheered by. I needed that!

Also, several of you have sent layouts or links to layouts in which you've used my word art. I will be posting those this week on my blog for "show and tell" time, so watch out for those.

I must log off now ... talk to you tomorrow.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

True Joy

For Kim, whose glorious smile I can see all the way from here. Happy anniversary!